Friday, May 31, 2013

Not Quite Yet

So this one is still about blessings and such and also about the timing but unlike most of messages we hear/read this one is about slowing it down and waiting for the right time. Which is also a blessing as it relates to ministry. No matter what your gift is it is IMPERATIVE that you operate on time, not too fast not too slow but just right.
There are plenty of examples of people getting ahead of themselves and somewhat ahead of God just because they realized they were gifted to do something. Or felt like God was calling them. These are the people that commit unbelievable acts for their position in the church, or end up teaching false doctrine or leading people away from God in any sort of way. I know, I know where’s the scripture to back me up.
John 2:4
          Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come
This is at the wedding when they wanted Jesus to do something about the lack of wine. Now this is gonna take a little context clues but journey with me if you will. At this point Jesus was a young adult, and since he was not a man this was actually more responsibility than usual for His age. I assert that He got this responsibility from great feats He’d done previous to this moment. I’m going somewhere with this I promise.
If in fact Jesus has been doing things that convinced these people that despite His young age He would be able to help them in this situation it would be safe to say that He was showing early signs of being someone anointed by God for a special purpose. The people had already began to elevate Him because He had shown to have good works, yet Jesus knew it wasn’t His time.
As I often say Jesus is the great example for everything we do. So even when we begin to show signs of our gift and God begins to bring forth evidence of the seed He’s planted in us, we must remain humble; and furthermore not get ahead of His timing. If you beginning preaching, teaching, or anything else of God too early you will be producing a corruptible seed. In other words you will be out before you are prepared to and thus not fully in the strength of God’s will. Bold assertion I know but peep this:
Mark 9:29 the disciples (the very chosen ones of Jesus) failed to cast a demon out; not because they didn’t believe, not because they weren’t chosen by Jesus; but because they weren’t prepared. (in this case fasting and praying)
Acts 19:15 the seven sons of Sceva were called out by a demon, “Jesus I know, Paul I know but who are you?” You don’t wanna end up like this! Yes there are amazing feats God wants to do through you and yes its great to have people supporting you that believe in you and what you’re doing. But until God tells you to get into action DON’T DO IT! There is time for preparation, to be an understudy, a time to be humble enough to go through the process and learn what God is teaching you. Even Jesus has to wait until He was both baptized by John AND fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and nights before He got into His ministry.  Don’t get ahead of yourself or God because you don’t know more than Him! Though He is outside of time He is not one to waste time, it is all necessary! It won’t go the way you expect but according to God’s will plan and purpose…it will be perfect!
Over and Out J

Go Get it…Again

Go get it! Is another one of those somewhat overly used churchy phrases lol but I figured it’d be a good attention getter. This one is about going back to get what the devil stole from you. You had it once so go back and regain it!
Proverbs 6:30-1
Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; 31but if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house
Ok so from this we gleam that people don’t hate you if you steal out of desperation,  and there’s prolly more to that but that’s not my focus honestly lol verse 31 is. When he is found not only must he give  back what he’s caught with; but sevenfold more. As we all know satan comes to kill steal and destroy; so I encourage you through the power of God and this promise illustrated through his word that you go back and realize what the devil stole from you. What is your joy? Peace? Sense of security? A dream? Some hope? Whatever it is, in order for you to get it back the thief must be found! You can’t be restored, refunded, revived, or released UNTIL THE THIEF IS FOUND! You’ve got to get to the root and realize what person, situation, or event the enemy used to rob you. That may be a tough act to complete but the reward is worth it.
Once you’ve completed step one you are ready to reap the benny’s….but if the thief is out here stealing how/why would he have enough to give you back what he stole AND more? Its encouraging to see that the scripture says the thief must give up the substance of his house..meaning EVERYTHING he has just to make sure you get yours, but I find more joy, hope and strength in Hebrews 10:30
            For we know Him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto Me, I will recompense saith the Lord…
There’s more to that but all we need for this devo is that part…THE LORD WILL GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU ARE OWED!! What would God withhold from us? How much more will God give us for being bold enough to revisit situations we struggled with and reclaim victory in His name. How much MORE will He reward our discipline for not lashing out immaturely or carnally once we realize how we were wronged!
So go back my friends, find your thief DON’T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT! And EXPECT the Father to not only make sense of it but furthermore repaid you what you were times as much!
Over and Out J

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Don’t Just Read the Bible!

By: Fred Reid

         If you read the title and thought this one was about applying what you read or making the Bible an example for your everyday life well then the jokes on you! Lol this one is actually about HOW to read the Bible, or at least some stuff that works for me! There’s so much good stuff in the Bible that once you start to read it you’ll be consumed in it! However it’s really easy to just stay on the surface of stories and miss a lot of the morals and lessons and revelation if you “read it like a library book”, so to make sure you don’t view reading the good book as a chore here are a few tips.
Read slowly and digest  
            Most of the scriptures have much, MUCH deeper meanings so after reading a few verses, or a chapter take time to make sure you understand what you’ve read. Think about how it can relate to a specific situation, what type of solution it brings. You can ask why; to make sure you understand. Why would this be included? Why is this important? Think of other similar scriptures that are related. This may cause you to re-read a lot of passages but at least you will have a good understanding of what you read; which I find makes it easier to memorize and apply it! Also, for those of you struggling to memorize, it helps to take notes or write down the scripture you have targeted, you remember 60% of what you read/hear AND write so use that you your advantage.
Make it real!          
            Don’t just read the story to get it over with, experience the story. Take like breaks and put yourself in the situation. How would you feel if Jesus told you lets go to the other side but then He fell asleep and there was a hurricane taking place? What would you say if taking a stand and being bold for God got you placed in a Lion’s den? Furthermore PAY ATTENTION TO TIME LAPSES IN STORIES! There’s a lot to be gained from a story by noticing how long it took for something to happen. It all seems to happen at once cuz its all right there on the page; but often there are days or months between verses. There’s a big difference between begin healed immediately versus being healed as you went on your way. Even if you have to read the time schedule and come back to that story after that time has passed to make it real do it! I don’t know if that was clear ssoo for example, when Paul was blinded and didn’t eat nor drink for 3 days I read up to that part of the story then didn’t come back and finish it for 3 days just to keep it on my mind that he couldn’t see and hadn’t eaten for all that time just to see what kind of stuff goes through your head. (yes it wasn’t as severe for me cuz I was still eating and stuff but judge me not lol)
In any case, take your time and understand what you read and make the story real by putting yourself in it and make the time schedule real/relatable and the bible will do way more for you than it is now! And when you are confused or don’t understand something pray for clarity and ask a respected pastor, minister, deacon, Christian friend of yours but ask somebody!! God’s people perish for lack of knowledge so get some!
Over and Out J

Get the Order Right!

By: Fred Reid

       As usual Jesus is the example for everything that we do for He has been through everything that we’ve been through or will go through, so this devotional is about understanding the order by which we receive spiritual elevation. Things happen in the spirit realm before they are manifested into the natural realm so be patient and encouraged!

If you’ve been to more than two church services in your life you’ve prolly heard someone say “name it, claim it” or “speak those things that be not as though they were” or “decree a thing and it shall be established” basically something along the lines of speaking faith to usher something into your life that you don’t have yet. Most of those phrases contain scripture and therefore are more factual than anything else in this world, however time has passed and you may not have most of the stuff you claimed or spoke about and may be in the process of doubting or even worst giving up on what you spoke. Don’t feel bad its natural and this devotional is just in time for you!
There are SEVERAL examples of someone “decreeing” a thing and it not happening until MUCH later…but it happened! (that’s enough right there to be excited about) In an effort to keep this devo short I’ll only use one example. Revelations 13:8 tells us that Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the earth. Meaning even before the world was created Jesus SPIRITUALLY was slain for our sins; however it took hundreds of years for Him to even be born. After He was born He lived 33 years before actually being slain NATURALLY.
In essence what I’m attempting to stress to you is the things God has shown you, or the things you have prophesied over your life believing that God will manifest…WILL MANIFEST! The day God showed you, or spoke it over you or gave it to you to say you received it spiritually, now you must wait for it to manifest naturally. That’s why you feel confident that your current situation is not your end, your spirit man is literally ahead of time waiting for your body and money, and career, and family and car and schooling and friends and whatever else to catch up! Don’t get discouraged! You already have it just wait for it to manifest!
Over and Out J

Listening to God

By: Donovan Parker

So I read something that said prayer isn't always about talking, but sometimes about learning to listen to God.

I know I can do a better job of learning to pause and be sensitive to what God is telling me.  Many times we only go to God in prayer to SAY .. thank you, or to ASK .. 

The Bible says much about being able to go to God with concerns and asking of Him ..

But how important is listening to God?  Here's why listening is more important than talking ...

Matthew 4:4 says
"It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

This tells us that we need to be able to listen to God for life! One of the ways we can do this is by staying in our Bibles and reading His written Word.  

Romans 10:17 
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Not only does listening benefit our life, but it also increases our faith!

That's two reasons WHY it's important to listen to God, but how do we become more sensitive to the other things of God in addition to His Word?

1 Corinthians 2:9-14 tells us that
the Holy Spirit is what reveals to us the things of God.  Since God is not a man, we can't understand Him as one! How many times do we try to make sense of God with our logic!?Won't work!! The Holy Spirit is what God equipped us with to listen to Him and understand His ways!

"What you put in, is what you'll get out .."  
In other words, as you go throughout life you have to somewhat make room for the Holy Spirit.  You can't comfortably put something into a space w/limited capabilities without making room for it.

As you make the Holy Spirit comfortable IN you, the more sensitive you become to the things of God.

I challenge YOU to make more room for the Holy Spirit! Clean house. Make Him comfortable IN you! Get into your Word more and make your body, mind, spirit inhabitable for Him!  It will be your life, and your faith will grow!

Dear Lord,
Thank You for equipping us with everything we need to "hear" from you.  Help us to become more sensitive to You and Your ways as we grow toward You.  We thank You for the great things You have in store for us and pray we learn to listen to You for the fulfillment of Your will. Thank You for Your help and Your love.  Speak to us MORE and show us how to listen to what You're saying.
In Jesus' Name,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Holy Is the Minimum (For the Ladies)

By: Monique Smith

    August 2008 was the month & year when I broke up with my last boyfriend.  So you guessed it…since then I had been single until March of this year.  That’s when the man I’ve been patiently waiting for asked my DADDY (the natural one and the spiritual one) permission to begin dating me.  I like to include that seemingly minute detail because having someone ask my Daddy to date me was on my “I wish that would happen to me, but probably never will ‘cause people don’t do stuff like that no more” list.  And then, God did what He does best, and granted the desire of my heart.
    Okay, so the point of this devotional is to share with y’all the list I made before I started my relationship with Juan. During the summer of 2012, I heard a sermon from First Lady Lashawn Thompson of World Overcomers Christian church about knowing what you want and not making compromises. I believe somewhere in her sermon she told the single ladies to make a list (if she didn’t say it, I heard it somewhere). At any rate, I made the below list.  In my phone, I titled it “Dream Guy” because these were the characteristics I wanted to see in whoever I would date next and I was NOT willing to compromise on any of them. At first, this list was hard to make because as you see, it is LONG and I knew I would probably be waiting a long time for God to prepare this gentleman…..but I realized my value was much more than dating someone who only met half of my standards, so I was up for the wait!
Committed to God
Takes initiative
Attractive/ Fine
Balanced optimistic
A good listener
Critical thinker
A willing potential father
A good driver
Financially savvy
Musically inclined
Athletic/ like to play sports
A friend
A family man
Sense of humor
Has a heart for the youth
Passion for ministry
Tall/taller than me
Loves my family and blends well
God fearing
Strict on sin
Well tempered/ balanced
Strong spirit
Conviction guides him
Virgin/practicing abstinence
Dress well/swag

    After I made my list over the summer, I didn’t go back to the list to remove things. I just left it alone. Of course with my eyes, I saw some cute dudes that I could have easily dated, but they did not meet 100% of the characteristics on my list.  I’m telling y’all, when you make your list DON’T compromise. Do not remove things to make your list fit the guy you like, your guy is supposed to fit your desires. I know many ladies like to get in the business of “fixing” dudes, but let that stuff go! Only God can change him boo! #REALTALK.  
    Anyways, during the Fall of 2012, I continued to enjoy my singleness. I wasn’t focused on any dudes at all. Of course, Juan was around. We would talk often and hang out, but I worked real hard at keeping him in the friend zone and not trying to magically make him my boyfriend in my head. Y’all know stuff like that is easy especially if you’re spending time with a dude often. So I had to pray against the foolishness of my mind to nip that in the bud before it started. So as I said, I was just enjoying my singleness….which is a whole ‘nother devotional in itself because that took a WHILE to get to that point. I admit, I used to be that girl praying day and night for God to send her a boyfriend because I didn’t “deserve” to be single and I had already “fixed” everything that was wrong with myself and I was ready to date…..smh…foolishness I told myself. Thank the Lord He knows me better!
    So long story short, in March Juan asked me to date him. (Quick background- We’ve been friends since Summer of 2007). After he asked me, I went home and the Holy Spirit reminded me of the list I made. I went through every characteristic to see if he truly matched up with everything on my list….and guess what, he did! So that is how this relationship that I’m in came to be. NOW, you must remember, after I made this list and asked God to grant me the desires of my heart, I was not out living a life contrary to the Word. God doesn’t bless disobedience. So If I wanted God to bless me, the LEAST I could do was to live a life pleasing to Him! I continued to live a holy lifestyle, seeking direction from God daily, and living on purpose. When God saw fit to bless me with a relationship, that’s when it happened.
    So to my single ladies, stay encouraged and wait patiently WHILE living on purpose!  : ) Blessings chicas! Love y’all!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Psalm 9

By: Donovan Parker 

Psalm 9

I didn't get deep into Psalm 9 because the first two verses seemed to capture me.  

1 I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

2 I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.

A couple things that stood out to me in these two verses were:

- with my whole heart
- sing praise to thy name

One of the things I'm learning about is praise and worship.  We know that praise is important, but how do we really grab God's attention with our praise?

We don't want to be so religious (I have to lift my hands, or wave at His presence, etc.) about our praise because it will become too routine and less meaningful. 

The Lord is after our hearts! So when the writer of this passage of scripture says "I'll praise you with my whole heart," it implies that a partial praise won't get it. This is something that I'm learning even now. God will really meet you where you are if you surrender your whole heart to Him. Soo many times, I've missed being in His presence to praise Him because I was preoccupied in my mind and in my heart. It seems more easy to have your head elsewhere with so many things going on around you - your mind can be conditioned based on your environment, but you won't just give your heart to anybody. You have it way more protected.  

Talk to God out of your heart. Be open with Him and really express yourself to Him.

Try giving your heart (emotions, feelings, etc.) to God completely and see the difference that it will make - specifically in your PRAISE

This brings me to the next thing that stood out for me. I will sing praise unto thy name. I don't really know the extent to which God honors our song, but there are a number of references that mention singing unto the Lord in the Bible.  I look at it like this, I'm not singing TO just anyone. Just like I'm not giving my heart to just anyone.  There is a difference in singing FOR someone and singing TO someone! When you sing TO someone you put more emotion and feeling into it - more of yourself. That is your heart!Focus on finding and developing those ways that you can fully give yourself to God. That is melodious to Him.  - meaning it's pleasing, sweet, and pleasurable to Him. Your life will become a joyful noise (something that attracts attention) that will make Him smile.

Continue to love and praise God. He will be pleased and honor you in return.

Dear Lord,
The things that we find in Your Word are just so heavy. It's amazing the things You reveal in simple phrases that we often read over.  First, Lord show us how to give our hearts and minds completely to you. Then Lord, we ask that You reward us for doing so that we can become conditioned to doing things Your way. Develop our song and reason to sing unto You Lord so that when we open our mouths our praise will be filled with melodious bursts of gratitude. Thank You for Your power and the marvelous works You do in our lives.
We love you and pray your continued blessings.
In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Got Ears? Listen up!

By: Tiara Spivey 

So, this is basically a wake up call from God. We are definitely living in the last days and God is calling us, who He has adopted to be His children, to shine even brighter than before. (And no matter how long we've been saved or how "mature" we feel we are in God...we will always be little children in His eyes.) I'm just going to share what the Holy Spirit gave me to share and pray that we all take heed to what the Spirit is saying to the church.

A few nights ago, I had a dream. I was in this dark place, kind of like a 2013 rendition of Sodom and Gomorrah. As I was discussing scripture with a few of my sisters, I looked up into the sky and saw these red clouds begin to form. They didn't stay long before disappearing, and I obviously was the only one who saw them. I mentioned the clouds as we were driving home and one of the sisters turned to me and said "Judgement". Right at that moment, God woke me up and said "Warn my people judgement is coming."

Of course my first instinct was to pray for God's mercy, but since He knows our thoughts from afar off, He stopped me before I could even begin to pray. He said "How long can I show mercy when there is no one repenting and turning away from sin?".

God has to judge sin or He would make Himself into a liar and God does NOT lie. He's not even talking about the sin in the world, He's talking about the sin right in the church! That's why He said warn MY people.

...but there is Good News!! He also says this about His people: "If My people who are called by name would HUMBLE themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, I'll forgive their sins and heal the land." (I Chronicles 7:14).

Let's look at the surrounding verses so that we can put it in context. II Chronicles 7:12 (NIV) The Lord appeared to him (Solomon) at night and said: "I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices." God has chosen us to be His temples where He can dwell. That's why Romans 12:1-2 (NIV) says: Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

II Chronicles 7:13 (NIV): When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among MY people..." Not the world, not our nation, but among God's people...His chosen generation! "...sin always brings judgement in the form of disaster, whereas repentance, obedience, and trust yield peace, victory, and prosperity." (my study bible) And that's where verse 14 comes in.

I Peter 4: 17-18 (NIV): For it is time for judgement to begin with THE FAMILY OF GOD; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And if it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?"

The saints place so much emphasis on the sinner part of that scripture that they miss the part about the righteous. That's why we have to constantly work out our own soul's salvation. And what we fail to realize is that if we can get the sin out of our lives and turn to God wholeheartedly and keep His commandments, the land will be healed...the sinners will come!

Let us examine ourselves for "[i]f we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." (I John 1:8) BUT the very next scripture says: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9) Let me give a friendly reminder...ALL unrighteousness is sin (I John 5:17).

Our land definitely needs healing and we, the saints...God's Chosen, are the ones that can make it happen!

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying unto the church"