Monday, October 31, 2011

“Message unable to be sent. Try again later”

By: Monique Smith

A few months ago, I was on the metro train underground in DC. If anybody knows about that, you know you are underground with darkness all around you. No light, no cell phone service, nothing. While the train was partly above ground, I was in the process of sending a text message and had ample service to do so. I was in direct connection with the phone signals and could clearly access AT&T’s service. However, once the train went underground, I lost service and my message failed to send. No delivery on the text, it just went directly to the outbox and stayed there. That's just like us who minister and try to deliver a Word to our peers. While you are “above ground” or in the light and will of God, your message will go forth and be received by the recipient. You are in direct connection with God, and He will send his wisdom and grace to you. But once we get outta that light and surround ourselves in darkness, meaning the things of this world, our message can't be sent because we ARE NOT representing our sender anymore. Why would God allow someone to be a manager of his gospel (“….A person should consider us in this way: as servants of Christ and managers of God’s mysteries. In this regard, it is expected of managers that each one of them be found faithful.” 1 Corinthians 4: 1-2), if we are not even CONNECTED with Him? That would be tomfoolery! As Rickey stated last week, “Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5). So in order to be effective, we HAVE to remain in Christ. Our mind, has to remain in Christ (Philippians 2:5), our bodies have to remain in Christ, (Romans 12:1), and EVERYTHING else about us have to remain in Christ because we have a charge over our lives to live holy (1 Peter 1:16).

Prayer: Hey Daddy! Love you! You da bomb! Help us be more like you! We struggling! We try so hard to walk it out, but sometimes, we walk into the wrong situations and leave you looking like a fool. Help us represent you in all that we do, and take charge over our minds, so that we will be able to discern what is pure and pleasing to your sight! Love you so so so much! In big brother Jesus name!

IDK Some’n bout Feet lol

By: Fred Reid

I didn’t really know a clever way to name this one but its based on the John 13:5-10. Its encouraged that you read the passage but just in case here is a quick summary. Jesus is washing the feet of the disciples and when He gets to Peter, Peter declines primary based on the idea that Jesus is too holy/clean to wash Peter’s dirty feet. Jesus tells him that if He does not wash his fee than they have no relationship together (hopefully the capitalization pattern in the previous sentence made it easier for ya’ll to separate the two characters lol). At this point Peter asks Jesus to not only wash his feet but also the rest of the his body, Jesus answers that whom He cleans they need not reserve their feet to be cleaned by themselves.

On the somewhat surface of this passage we see the humbleness of Christ. Being a savior, THE anointed one, ruler of ALL and the very essence of God, submitting Himself to wash the feet of his followers. And while I don’t want to discourage or take away from that message because it is VERY important to be humble, I think there is something more hidden in this passage.

When we consider feet…if you like me you already grossed out! But let’s take it a step further, the disciples feet, back when everybody was wearing those “Jesus” sandals and walking all over everywhere! That’s a whole nova type of dirty! But yet this is the EXACT thing that Jesus wanted to clean. Of course natural things in the bible have spiritual significance. Sssssoooo what do you have that just ridiculously dirty? Embarrassing so? Maybe some sin that you keep committing even though you hate it. Maybe some desire that you want to fulfill even though you know God isn’t pleased. Maybe some experience that happened to you that wasn’t really your fault but you just feel dirty because of it. IN ANY CASE, this is the very thing Christ want you to bring to Him. Not only is He interested in cleaning up this situation for you, but if you choose NOT to bring it to Him you are literally damaging your relationship with Him. It’s important not to get to caught up in the semantics and sometimes theatrics of church that you put the really dirty stuff that you can’t handle and are really embarrassed by on a shelf never to be dealt with. As long as you do so the devil will have a VIP access way to your heart and your mind.

Short version: Be TRULY intimate with Christ. He’s interested in ALL of you. Unlike man He is not just interested in your positive attributes, but VERY much so they negative ones that you can’t fix. He will clean you up in a way you never thought possible and truly make you free to live an enjoyable, guilt free life!

Be encouraged folk!

Over and Out J

Sunday, October 30, 2011


By: Monique Smith

Yes. That gibberish in the title was purposeful because I have NO words to describe this devotional. Have you ever had an experience that was hard to put into words? Has your day ever been made so much that no other day on earth could compare? Ever been blessed so greatly, it’s hard for you to understand and verbalize your appreciation? Well, something that is completely indescribable is God! My Father! Yahweh! God is SO amazing! Like, there really are NO WORDS that can even slightly describe His greatness, His glory, His character, His love!

Please listen to Indescribable” by Kierra Sheard

Original version by Chris Tomlin-

From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom

Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
You are amazing God

I really love this song! Hearing someone verbalize the unique characteristics of God is so cool! Psalms 147:4 says “He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them”….WHAT! WHO DOES THAT?! Only our Father!! Have you ever tried to count stars before, if you have, you know it’s utterly impossible, but God knows exactly how many there are AND what their names are! The line about God holing snow in storehouses, just think about that. That’s pretty cool imagery. = ) He controls all the elements! The universe is at His control! God is so great!

My favorite part of the entire song is “ You see the depths of my heart and you love me the same”….Can I deal with this on this p.m. ? (lol). But really though, how good is it to have a daddy who can see the depths of our hearts and STILL love us! Our hearts that can be SO dirty at times….but GOD still LOVES us! He continually gives us chances to restore our relationships with Him, OVER and OVER and OVER again! My God! = ) And it’s SO silly sometimes when we give in to the “joys” of this world, seek temporary release and satisfaction off life’s drugs and leave our infinite, wise, powerful, great, loving, compassionate, forgiving, and unchangeable God hanging for that. And God, for some reason STILL wants us back! Thank you Jesus!

Prayer: Thank you! We can’t fully comprehend your greatness but thank you for your love! Thank you for always blowing our minds with your power and glory! God we don’t have the words to share the joy and the love you have placed in our hearts! You are so faithful! Thank you for not giving up on me daddy! Thank you for NOT giving up on me! Thank you that my mess ups, my unfaithfulness, and the sin that is permeating through my blood, did not cause you to leave me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! YOU are…….We love you… We love you….. You are amazing!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Truth Shall Set You Free

By: Donovan Parker

This phrase almost seems cliché as much as people use it these days.

I struggle with being honest when I feel like the subject matter will negatively affect the person I am being open with. I am still currently working on being transparent, but some of my other main issues are 1.)not letting my pride keep me from doing what is right/just 2.)not getting caught up with what is going on around me. Recently, I have been really honest and forthcoming (something that I don’t normally do) with some of the people that I consider close to my heart. As much as it seems like I should have been able to be honest and forthcoming with them to begin with, I haven’t. Now I find myself trying to rectify and explain many of my actions. In this manner, I feel like I am free of the burden and separation that comes with not being honest BUT as I begin to think about truth from a Biblical standpoint, this doesn’t seem like enough. I still feel consumed with how my actions will be received, how they are interpreted, etc. – all this is still burdensome.

This brings me to John 8:31-32 which says, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” As appealing as the latter part of this passage is, the first part is more promising in my opinion. However, we cannot look over the conditionality of this first part of the passage. IF ye continue in my word, THEN ye are my disciples and shall know the truth.

Jesus tells us in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” So as I quest to continue to be honest with those around me, things are made clearer as I have my Savior, Jesus as an example of what TRUTH really is.

NOW, at this point, I no longer have to worry much about how to go about making my actions line up with my words because it is already listed out for me what to do – “CONTINUE IN MY WORD” I am reminded that my GREATEST effort (on my own), is NEVER enough in God’s eyes, but with Jesus all things are made whole.

Being a disciple:

The thing that I like about serving Christ is that not only is He our perfect example of how things should be done but He makes clear instructions of how to get us where He wants us. It is my responsibility to line up with the example that Christ has already set and my daily struggles of integrity are made easy.

I encourage you to NOT be consumed with how to do this and that, how people will receive your actions, etc. BUT focus more on Jesus and you can’t go wrong.

I’ma get you sucka!

By: Fred Reid

I’m pretty sure that was the name of a movies in the 70’s ask ya parents lol. This one is about revenge folk! Cuz I don’t know about you but seems like people know exactly what to do to get under my skin and try me! Like the saying goes I aint a killa but don’t try me! Well actually that’s a bit extreme but basically this is about the times when people do you wrong or make you mad enough to USUALLY get you to react or result to the ol’ fisticups (that fighting/boxing for you slow/uppity folk).

Now one of the KEY aspects of MY Christ-walk is to be real! Real with myself and others. While others make it seem like once you get saved its all good, nobody’s tries to get buck with you anymore, people respect your choice to be a Christian or at least respect God. But that is NOT the case, folk still do stuff that really gets me hot! And seems like the list has gotten longer because if you even talk about God the wrong way that REALLY rubs me wrong to. But its important to go about things God’s way or else you will find yourself fighting, cursing like you used to when really you are supposed to be brand new with ALL old things put away. But I won’t even use that scripture but instead of couple others that are a little more specific.

What do you do when you get mad?

Anyone that knows me for real knows I’m a BIG advocate of taking sometime to THINK before acting or Reacting. This is biblically supported by Luke 14:28, Jesus tells us to count the cost before doing something. Basically think things through before just jumping into it. So if you say the first thing that comes to your mind usually this will lead to some type of unforeseen series of events that leads to some type of destruction and leaves you asking yourself “how did this happen?” and in THIS my friends..the Father is not glorified. So we arrive at our first official scripture for this devotional. Romans 12:19-21

“Dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath, for it is written. VENGENANCE IS MINE; I WILL REPAY, saith the Lord. 20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger feed him, if he thirst give him drink for in doing so though shalt heap coals of fire on his head. 21 Be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good”

HEAVY STUFF!! So you mean the people that do me wrong I’m supposed to look out for? Quwazy! But this is the way of the Lord. I looked it up and to heap coals of fire on one’s head is actually a good thing. It was job that keep youths warm will keeping village fires going. So the purpose here is not to be annoyingly nice to someone in a manner that makes them more mad at you while you sarcastically think/feel your are doing the wrong thing. #TrickOfTheEnemy lol The purpose here is show that there is enough of the love of Jesus in your heart by way of the transformation that has taken place since you have chosen to follow in the steps of the Christ and do what is pleasing to God, that you can bless those that despitefully use you. There is literally enough love in you to love the hell out of someone. Because let’s be honest, there is NO FUTURE in hating someone that’s always loving you. No matter how much you don’t like me if I’m always looking out for you and helping you out and making your life easier at some point you’re going to say…eh I guess Fred aint that bad. And thus I would have overcome evil with Good.

Furthermore, Hebrews 10:30 says,

“For we know him that hath said VENGEANCE BELONGETH UNTO ME, I WILL RECOMPENSE, saith the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people” This scripture reminds us of a couple things, the Lord is the one who is the one who handles vengeance, he is the one who decides what is just, and he WILL judge his people. Its important to remember that people WILL DO YO WRONG and MAKE YOU MAD but only God is the one that can get them the way they deserve to be handled. If you try to solve the situation you are doing everyone involved a disservice. Sometimes the people coming against you just need someone to love the hate off of them. Others are out of control and need God to sit them down in a hospital somewhere, but only God clearly sees the difference. He will judge you according to what you know and what you should be doing ssooo its too late now that you done read this post lol. It’s not that hard really, but take practice..spread love folks!

Over and Out J

Fred Reid Jr.

· Revenge

· Being nice to those who don’t like you lumps coal upon their head

· Hebrews 10:30 venegeance is mine sayeth the Lord

· The way God gets sinebody is the best way


Pause. Really?

By: Monique Smith

The more I read about David, the more I admire him! David is amazing! David and his faithfulness to his earthly master, commitment to living a life for Christ, and his trust in the Lord is so great! I just finished reading 1 Samuel 26 where the title in my Bible says, “David Again Spares Saul”. That phrase inspired the name of this devotional. Because I honestly had to pause and think about what that meant. I knew that David spared Saul’s life earlier in Chapter 24th ….and I just Knewww Saul wasn’t after David AGAIN but indeed, he was.

In quick summary of the text, Saul has been on the chase to kill David because of the jealous spirit that has taken over him. David left the area where Saul was, but Saul sent out messengers to seek out where David was hiding, so he could kill him.

1 Samuel 24:4- “…Look, this is the day the Lord told you about: I will hand your enemy over to you so you can do to him whatever you desire.” So kind of contrary to the devotional Fred wrote earlier in the week, the Lord actually gave David the privilege to revenge his enemy! But David, still stayed true to the scripture in Romans 12:19 with what he said in 1 Samuel 24:12- “May the Lord judge between you and me, and may the Lord take vengeance on you for me, but my hand will never be against you”. Isn’t that crazy! Like, God GAVE David the opportunity to get Saul back from being evil to him, but David refused to take that opportunity because he knew that God had placed Saul over him as his earthly lord. Whooowee! On top of that, after Saul escaped scotch free the first time, homeboy STILL wanted to kill David. So on the second time Saul was after David, the Lord once again gave David the opportunity to kill Saul, but David did not take it! He again remained loyal to Saul and did not harm him! Wow wow wow! I know if that was me, things may not have spanned out like that. I mean, David did have the “right” to kill Saul, but he did not! As Fred said, there Is NO FUTURE in hating someone that’s always loving you….and surely Saul’s future was not so bright in his hatred towards David. (Find out more by reading the remainder of 1 Samuel = ) )

Prayer: Lord thank you! You are the bomb! We love you and we adore you! God, give us the self-control of David that we witnessed in this text! Allow us to honor and respect all those on earth who are placed in charge of us, regardless of the fact that they may treat us poorly or even try to “kill us” figuratively. Lord continue to protect us and show us your faithfulness and remind us how pleased you are when we act righteously! Love you DADDY! In Jesus name, Amen!

Romans 7 & 8 Part 1

By: Fred Reid

Yes ladies and gents you are witnessing the first series in the history of Fred Reid ministries lol nah but in all seriousness there is SO much to be pointed out from these great chapters that I have to smart parts cuz I know ya’ll would read it all at once lol. As I’ve already said I LOVE the realness of Christianity and Christians that are truly honest about their walk, not only their victories but their struggles (not failures because we cant fail with an eternally winning God on the inside of us) and in Chapter 7 Paul gets really real! I am SO thankful for these Chapters because on many occasion they have acted not only as my comfort and hope that I could do better but also my challenge and motivation to actually be bout that life! But enough about me…let’s get biblical! Lol

7: 1-6

Paul points out that this message is to be addressed to Jews who know the law and that work hard to keep it. Not necessarily those that don’t practice religion or kind of back and forth with, this is for the people that really thought they were on it. He begins to point out the separation from living for the law that we can experience once we get saved and start a relationship with Christ. The example of the wife whose husband dies is an allusion to how the law is our master or husband until we accept Jesus sacrificial death by dying as well to our ways and the law to be resurrected under a new covenant presented by Christ. The wife can get a new husband without punishment from God because her old husband is dead. We can get a second chance at life and freedom from sin because we are dead with Christ.


Paul explains the law and what is means to be free from it. Just to be clear the law is the old Jewish standards for holy living. These include but are not limited to the 10 commandments. A lot of the law and its STRICT principles can be found in the old testament especially in books like Deuteronomy, and Leviticus. But as Paul points out THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE LAW! THE LAW IS HOLY AND FROM GOD! The problem is with us! We CANT keep the law. There are generations of people in the old testament that prove it! The law simply shows you how sinful you really are.


This is my favorite part! Paul personalizes the struggle to keep the law and even explains that he wants to do what is good but cant. This will of God and that which is pleasing to God Paul REALLY wants to do but instead gives way to sin over and over again!! My God the frustration!! This was me for a long time ya’ll!!!!!! I’ve known the bible and what was right basically my whole life, and while I didn’t always want to keep the commandments (shameful I know lol) even when I did wanna be right I kept doing what was wrong! I think this can apply to all of us though. It’s not that we aren’t saved or don’t have a heart for God but we often times find ourselves doing things that don’t convey that. Paul put it best saying “for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not” and “I find then a law that when I would do good evil is present with me”. I felt so good knowing that the holy, anointed, New Testament writing Paul had some of the same struggles that I had! But we’ll get more into this in one of the other parts.

22- 8:1

Paul explains that he finds his members is warring against his mind. Basically this is his fleshy desires warring against that that he KNOWS he should be doing. Not disagreeing not arguing…WARRING! War is serious ya’ll!! But anyways, Paul admits to feeling like a wretched man, pointing to an idea of losing the hope that he is a saint like God is proclaiming him to be. But he doesn’t stop there. He thanks God for Jesus (they say that a lot at my Fayetteville church lol) because Jesus has presented us with an opportunity to be free. Bringing us to Chapter 8 with the sweet sweet words “There is therefore NOW no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit” I could expound on the bold points…but that’s for another day.

Over and Out J